Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wear your roadkill!

It's taken a long time but it seems the fashion industry has finally decided to cash in on the diy/frugal movement. You don't need to pay thousands of dollars for luxury furs anymore because now it's chic to look shaggy... all you need is a little (bad) luck, a very large car, and a skinning knife, things that everyone already has on hand!

If you're really lucky you'll hit a wolf, like this girl did. Don't have enough salvageable fur for sleeves? No problem! Sleeves on winter coats are passe. With global warming we'll all be wearing nothing but fur wristlets soon anyway.

The great thing about this new moment in furs is that what used to be a total waste of dead alpaca on the roadside is "upcycled" into a garment that everyone will want to borrow from you!

(Although I don't think it is wrong to wear a fur coat if you live in an arctic climate where that may be your best bet for keeping warm, I am fundamentally opposed to the fur industry. I do wear leather and I'm uncomfortable with that too, though when I wear synthetics I get foot fungus.)


  1. Hahahaha! Oh, thank you for that laugh!

    I can't WAIT to see the runway shows for Spring 2011 with all the armadillo armor breastplates and such. SO chic.

  2. Do people really run over armadillos?

    I'm so glad you enjoyed this one!

  3. Armadillo armor breastplates...what a riot! I love that lip pattern. IT is so hard to find a full slip anywhere that I have been threatening to make one but alas even the patterns are hard to come by.
